- RT @johnniemoore: Banning powerpoint generates so much creativity and humanity in how people can present #FWC11 ->
- RT @joanneprobyn: "we are all part of the U-Turn generation and our food systems will be the connector" – Emily Jubinvil #pknvan ->
- On innovation…RT @TheBIF: GREAT article by @dscofield. LOVE the @skap5 #RCUS reference! https://ow.ly/43nN1 ->
- RT @gcouros: Inspired By A 7 Year-Old | Pretty inspiring kid. Thanks for sharing @mrwejr #cpchat ->
- Visual meetings webinar with David Sibbett: ->
- .@toddsmithdesign Haven't watched this but the description sounded like it would be up your alley: ->
- .@toddsmithdesign Loved this in the description "It's been said that when an elder dies, it's as if a library is burned." ->
- Great take on education via @ToughLoveforX: https://ilnk.me/6f93. cc @skap5 you'll enjoy this one ->