personal reflections

Day of Abundance

Tonight at yoga the theme was on abundance and gratitude. How even if we are feeling like we don’t enough time, money etc, there are also things that we have in abundance. Like our breath, our capacity for delight, smiles, hugs… A nice invitation to notice where we have abundance and where we can practice […]

personal reflections

The Hard and the Soft

Truth telling time. This month has been on the tougher side. Back at the end of July I decided to sign up for the 30 day yoga commitment: 30 classes in 30 days. Okay, I figured, this will be a challenge but I can do this. (While I’m in the midst of doing a 100 […]

personal reflections

Whose Business Are You In?

Lots of lessons and insights happening through my yoga practice these days. One night my sweetie was to meet me at the studio for a class; he had called the front desk to say he was going to be late (this after I had reminded him not to be late!). The kind woman had signed […]

personal reflections

Yoga Journey

The colouful stickers beside my name on my yoga studio’s 30 Day Commitment tracker show that I’ve attended 10 classes since August 1st. Because I missed five days with my trip back to Saskatchewan I’ve been doubling up on classes – tonight was a Power class then a Yin class. As of today I have 20 […]

personal reflections

30 Day Yoga Commitment

“Say yes” is a mantra of mine. I realized that life opened up for me when I started saying  yes more than when I said maybe or no. Find a way to say yes to things. Say yes to invitations to a new country, say yes to meet new friends, say yes to learn something […]

personal reflections

What’s your mindfulness practice?

Fellow conversation practitioner Steve Byers has been harvesting his insights from his recent learning journey to ALIA Summer Institute. He shared: One of the most delicious aspects of the recent ALIA Summer Institute  was the twice daily mindfulness practice. Each day, after breakfast, we gathered in a large room to hear teaching from one of the […]