facilitating & hosting

On Invitation

I’m starting a deeper exploration around the concept “invitation is a process”. For participatory gatherings inviting people well is a critical part of the quality of the experience. As I shared in the Design Helpers post: The meeting begins long before the invitation is issued. Invitation is a process, and the goal is to attract […]

facilitating & hosting

Design Helpers: Breaths and Stepping Stones

In a conversation tonight with a friend who is working on two connected events that are sparking network building and collaborative action (one a larger meeting and the other a potential conference), I drew on two design helpers from the Art of Hosting community that are near and dear to my work designing conversation processes: Chaordic Stepping Stones: clear […]

facilitating & hosting

Invitation is a Process

There is a great moment in John Hunter’s TED talk where he describe how he saw his teachers coming through him as he was teaching. I constantly have moments like that in my hosting work and one of the biggest is when I talk about invitation as a process. With conversations that matter, invitation isn’t […]

personal reflections

Planning for 2011

It is time. To think about what’s possible in this new year. To think about what could make this my best year yet. To set goals, resolutions, make plans, draw dreams, or however you describe it. Here’s the process I used for my 2011 goals: Read this post for inspiration. Reviewed my Three Guiding Words […]