facilitating & hosting

Unity, diversity and choice in a network

I’ve been reflecting on my experience in a session I co-hosted and the connection with philosopher Paul Tillich’s concept of power and love: Power: The drive of everything living to realize itself, with increasing intensity, to achieve one’s purpose and grow. It isn’t “power over” but about achieving “the whole in itself”. Love: The drive […]

facilitating & hosting

Change Through Gifts

Some of my mates in the Art of Hosting (AoH) community (Caitlin Frost, Tuesday Ryan-Hart, Tim Merry and Chris Corrigan) are offering a series of gatherings called “Beyond the Basics“. Their blog has been a wonderful mosaic of musings from both the calling team as well as participants. This post from Kristy Miller on Power […]

facilitating & hosting

Crystal Pite: Creating with Conflict

At the last the talented dancer and choreographer Crystal Pite took the stage. She focused her talk on conflict, and how conflict in her work has been vital. Not conflict in the studio, but contrasting ideas set against each other inside the subject of a work. Like certainty and doubt, or conflicting physical tasks in […]

facilitating & hosting

On Power and Love

“To be able to break down the barrier of space between self and other, yet at the same time to be able to maintain it, this seems to be the paradox of creativity.” ~ from The Forms of Things Unknown Coming across this quote prompted me to go back and explore the notes I took […]