facilitating & hosting

Engaging Emergence Questions

In my travels for great questions I came across this gift from Liz Rykert who extracted the questions Peggy Holman shared in her book Engaging Emergence. I frequently go back to Peggy’s book and appreciate being able to save her sequence of great questions here: How can we use our differences and commonalities to make a difference? […]

personal reflections

I Am Enough

I’m reflecting back on a book I read a little while ago: Brene Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection. There were many great excerpts from her book and I particularly liked this one (emphasis mine): My friend Lynne Twist has written an incredible book called The Soul of Money. In this book, Lynne addresses the […]


Choosing Possibility

I recently read Peggy Holman’s Engaging Emergence. So many gems, and this one really stood out as something for me to practice: TIPS FOR CHOOSING POSSIBILITY Like embracing mystery, choosing possibility is a state of mind. NOTICE YOUR HABITS OF THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE. Are they filled with deficits: “don’t,” “can’t,” “not,” “isn’t,” “couldn’t,” “the problem […]