facilitating & hosting

A Strategic Reflection Session

It was a group of about 60 church leaders and lay people, gathering for a regular business meeting. They meet face to face like this only a few times a year. I was invited in to provide participatory design and hosting for the session. They wanted to use the time to look back and discover […]

facilitating & hosting

En’owkin – Voluntary Deep Collaboration Across Generations

Happened across this article describing “Eníowkin”, which comes from the high language of the Okanagan people and as writer Jeannette Armstrong describes “has its origin in a philosophy perfected to nurture voluntary cooperation, an essential foundation for everyday living”. As someone who works in the realm of participatory process, decision making and wise action I […]

change facilitating & hosting

On Action and Participatory Process

Sometimes, there are gatherings where next steps and action plans are important and necessary and are the reason why we are gathering.  But always?  No. ~ Chris Corrigan This post shares a compilation of insights from various thought leaders in the participatory process facilitation world to help shed light on when action planning could be […]