facilitating & hosting

On Invitation: Whoever Comes… Is the Right People

Appreciating this conversation that unfolded on the Open Space Technology email list about invitation and who comes. Lisa Heft writes: I am passionate about invitation. True invitation. Not just ‘everyone is welcome’ but what it takes for the host team’s reflection, tasks, strategy, actions to truly really welcome people into the room who are not […]

facilitating & hosting

Designing for Participation

After an event I facilitated recently, someone reached out to learn more about how they might go about creating a conference event to bring a particular group of people together. He was intrigued about the idea of an unconference and ways to invite more participation into the event. My first question to him was “who else […]

facilitating & hosting

Cultivating Change Through Conversation

Sharing this post I wrote for the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance for their Making A Scene Conference 2012: Cultivating Change Through Conversation at Making A Scene 2012 Margaret Wheatley wrote, “Human conversation is the most ancient and easiest way to cultivate the conditions for change – personal change, community and organizational change, planetary change. […]

facilitating & hosting

Governexx Annual Forum

I spent today with a group of 100+ folks at an event with the purpose of “creating leadership platforms for innovative, imaginative and idea driven individuals in public service”. The core planning team for Governexx had some creative ideas in the agenda, like inviting both public service and private sector folks together, Chitter Chatter (their version […]

facilitating & hosting

When Something Isn’t Really Something

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, having run into a few examples of it personally. When people call a process “Open Space Technology” when it is not really Open Space Technology. Chris Corrigan sums it up nicely:   One caveat: Open Space Technology is not a proprietary process, and therefore there are no […]

facilitating & hosting

Evolving Questions: Issues and Opportunities

Appreciating an email exchange about the question that would be at the core of an Open Space Technology event. The client offered the following: How do we let go of the hurts of the past? Where are we going? What can we expect in the future? Which was massaged into a version that wanted to invite […]

facilitating & hosting

Making Room: Sad and Glad

I really appreciated this story invitation shared by Tova Averbuch on the Open Space Technology listserv: As a way of making room for this process of… (the question of the OST) let us start with a story telling circle. We are calling for stories that you feel moved to tell, stories that want to be […]

facilitating & hosting

What Can Change In Two Days?

Some wisdom from the incredible Lisa Heft about Open Space Technology (a large group, self-organizing process) about what can be accomplished in an OST “of two days, ideally”. I don’t think conflict is something that can often be resolved in a single meeting. By a single intervention. Resolution is not what I seek by offering […]

facilitating & hosting

How many spaces to open in Open Space?

A helpful conversation on the Open Space Technology list about how many breakout spaces to prepare (answer is from Chris Corrigan). In groups of up to 50 I usually prepare breakout space enough for half of those people to host topics over the course of the event.  Therefore a group of 40 needs 20 breakout spaces. […]

facilitating & hosting

Invitation is a Process

There is a great moment in John Hunter’s TED talk where he describe how he saw his teachers coming through him as he was teaching. I constantly have moments like that in my hosting work and one of the biggest is when I talk about invitation as a process. With conversations that matter, invitation isn’t […]