It’s an exciting day – launching a new thing into the world! I’ve been involved in teaching The Circle Way for several years, and know that not everyone can make the journey to attend an in-person practicum, and other practitioners are looking for an opportunity to refresh or deepen their circle practice. Tenneson Woolf and […]
Tag: learning
Lessons: From Closing to Opening
This poem, The Lesson by Mark Nepo, was shared in the Art of Hosting community today by Jerry Nagel: When young, it was the first fall from love. It broke me open the way lightning splits a tree. Then, years later, cancer broke me further. This time, it broke me wider the way a flood […]
Falling Down
When I created my goals for the year I imagined a quarterly reflection to see how I was progressing, reflect on my learnings, make tweaks and continue on. But here I am with one month done and I can feel this presence hovering over my shoulder. I think it might be my conscience. So reflection […]
Knowledge and Firehoses
I remember when I first joined Twitter I saw folks decreeing that it would kill RSS. I’m nearing my second Twitter anniversary and my RSS (Google Reader) is alive and well. In fact, I’m getting more value out it than ever. This conversation suggests that RSS is flawed (hating the info overload) and points to […]
My Summer Vacation Learnings
Remember as a kid one of the first assignments of the school year was to write about what you did on your summer vacation? In that spirit, I’ve jotted down a few things I learned while enjoying a three week holiday this summer: Crossing off bucket list items equals perma-grin. Must plan for more (skydiving […]