facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Six

Nearly done my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume six. Journalling – process of making meaning. Invited to write the experience of the last three days as though it is a waking dream. Start there, let it write you. 10 minutes of […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Five

Volume five… the most prolific of all my scribbly notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. My notes of hobbit tools and methods, harvested here as best I can. Knowledge Camps/Method Camps – announced as hosted topics and we had the difficult choice of which to join. I chose the five […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Four

As I work my way through my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience, I know there was much more harvested than reflected here – like all the wonderful people I met. On to volume four. Check-in. This was not always done as a verbal check-in from everyone. One morning […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Three

Almost half-way through my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume three. Berkana’s Two Loops – lifecycle of emergence. See the paper by Debbie Frieze and Margaret Wheatley, written to show that networks aren’t enough. We moved around on a large two loops […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Two

Continuing my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume two. On Harvesting: What is the story? How do you want to tell it? We use participatory practices in conversation, then also use participatory harvest (e.g. two volunteers from each Art of Hosting to […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. One

I have 30 pages of scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. I’m attempting to string my wow moments and insights into a harvest for others to enjoy. Introducing – volume one. My World Café notes. I loved the flip chart showing the rhythm of the day as a pie […]

facilitating & hosting

On Eldership and Leadership: Me at 100

“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” Tenneson Woolf posted a harvest of a conversation he recently hosted on Intuitive Knowing, and during that conversation I shared a unique encounter I had earlier this year with my 100 year old self. It was during a training on Process Work with Dr Stephen Schuitevoerder, […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting Harvest

I had the incredible, incredible opportunity to attend the Art of Hosting retreat on Bowen Island last week. And as part of the Harvest team I’d like to offer a summary to our group (for best viewing, click Fullscreen under the More menu then navigate with your -> arrow). Thank you to Caitlin, Teresa, Tenneson […]

facilitating & hosting

Q or A: Pick Your Tribe

Seth Godin doles out brilliance daily. If he were Mary Poppins his spoonfuls would be of pants-kicking instead of sugar. Like this one on questions or answers: You can add value in two ways: You can know the answers. You can offer the questions. Relentlessly asking the right questions is a long term career, mostly […]

leadership & management

Do You Know Your Purpose?

Last week a group of managers and I chartered the territory of Dan Pink’s TED talk on the surprising science of motivation. I’m always a little nervous about what their reaction is going to be (so far there hasn’t been a mutiny against me!). In the discussion after the video we end up at the […]