facilitating & hosting

Some resources on core teams

I recently found myself going back through my resources to offer some guidance to clients on creating a core team. The gist of core teams: Almost all successful participatory projects start with a small group of people who care and hold the flame for the work. Often, in the rush to act and meet deadlines, […]

facilitating & hosting

On Invitation: Whoever Comes… Is the Right People

Appreciating this conversation that unfolded on the Open Space Technology email list about invitation and who comes. Lisa Heft writes: I am passionate about invitation. True invitation. Not just ‘everyone is welcome’ but what it takes for the host team’s reflection, tasks, strategy, actions to truly really welcome people into the room who are not […]

facilitating & hosting

Twenty Reasons: An Invitation

I’ve been having a blast working with the core planning team for the 61st Western Cities Conference. Playing with some invitation and outreach ideas and crafted these: Twenty Reasons To Join Us At Western Cities 2012 To network, link up, reconnect and learn what other cities and workplaces are doing in these shifting times. Sit […]

facilitating & hosting

On Invitation

I’m starting a deeper exploration around the concept “invitation is a process”. For participatory gatherings inviting people well is a critical part of the quality of the experience. As I shared in the Design Helpers post: The meeting begins long before the invitation is issued. Invitation is a process, and the goal is to attract […]

facilitating & hosting

Taking the Plunge, Fishbowl Style

An email arrived from a leader who had connected with me a little while ago looking for some guidance on a new process she wanted to try with her team. The event was today and this was what she shared: Oh my goodness. What an amazing experience. We had such great participation from the team…..almost […]

change leadership & management

Incomplete Invitations and New Forms of Leadership

Loving Chris Corrigan’s post on Interior Transformation. These two excerpts in particular (emphasis mine)…. I once had a very good friend and teacher, Bob Wing, point this out to me.  We were together in a small Open Space, and we were in different conversations.  In my conversation a small group of us cracked a vexing problem […]

facilitating & hosting

Invitation is a Process

There is a great moment in John Hunter’s TED talk where he describe how he saw his teachers coming through him as he was teaching. I constantly have moments like that in my hosting work and one of the biggest is when I talk about invitation as a process. With conversations that matter, invitation isn’t […]