facilitating & hosting

Insight: Harvesting Is A Process

An important part of planning a participatory gathering or meeting is the harvest. I like to explain this as what do we want to harvest in our hands (the tangible – reports, photos, videos, sculptures…) and in our hearts (the intangible – togetherness, team spirit, clarity, passion, new relationships…)? In fact, we aren’t planning a […]

facilitating & hosting

Participatory Harvesting

Really loving the thoughts Chris Corrigan put together on the “wisdom of keeping the harvesting participatory”. His teaching of “we’re not planning a meeting, we’re planning a harvest” significantly shifted my design and facilitation of meetings, gatherings and more. This reminds me – I’ve been meaning to put together a post of some great widsomy bits on harvesting […]

facilitating & hosting

New Harvest Tool: SayZu

Gratitude to one of the rockstarettes in my life, Avril Orloff, for mentioning this nifty harvest tool: SayZu. The explosion of social media means new challenges for tracking online conversations for businesses and individuals. What is the best way of bringing this vast flow of feedback and ideas into focus? SayZu is a powerful visualization […]

facilitating & hosting

Taking the Plunge, Fishbowl Style

An email arrived from a leader who had connected with me a little while ago looking for some guidance on a new process she wanted to try with her team. The event was today and this was what she shared: Oh my goodness. What an amazing experience. We had such great participation from the team…..almost […]


Harvesting Stories of Innovation Deaths

From a recent conversation about some innovative work that was recently stamped-out inside an organization after the supporter in the current leadership suddenly left (jobs ended, good work that was making a positive difference brought to an abrupt end – a death of sorts), I was reminded of speaker John Hagel who talked about innovation inside organizations. Some of […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Seven

My scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience are now harvested in the previous volumes. I’m left with a feeling that I have not done it justice – how can one truly harvest such an experience as we had on Bowen Island? I know I’ll look back on this in […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Six

Nearly done my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume six. Journalling – process of making meaning. Invited to write the experience of the last three days as though it is a waking dream. Start there, let it write you. 10 minutes of […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Five

Volume five… the most prolific of all my scribbly notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. My notes of hobbit tools and methods, harvested here as best I can. Knowledge Camps/Method Camps – announced as hosted topics and we had the difficult choice of which to join. I chose the five […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Four

As I work my way through my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience, I know there was much more harvested than reflected here – like all the wonderful people I met. On to volume four. Check-in. This was not always done as a verbal check-in from everyone. One morning […]

facilitating & hosting

Art of Hosting – V. Three

Almost half-way through my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume three. Berkana’s Two Loops – lifecycle of emergence. See the paper by Debbie Frieze and Margaret Wheatley, written to show that networks aren’t enough. We moved around on a large two loops […]