Some reflections as I read Otto Scharmer’s blog post about a sensing journey and gathering in Belitung of 30 stakeholders of the community (governmental department heads, NGOs, religious leaders, business leaders, etc). 1. I can related to the feeling when it’s late, people are tired… is it possible do what we hoped with this gathering? Do we […]
Tag: facilitating & hosting
Participatory Harvesting
Really loving the thoughts Chris Corrigan put together on the “wisdom of keeping the harvesting participatory”. His teaching of “we’re not planning a meeting, we’re planning a harvest” significantly shifted my design and facilitation of meetings, gatherings and more. This reminds me – I’ve been meaning to put together a post of some great widsomy bits on harvesting […]
Part of my summer reading was Keith Richards’ autobiography Life. A couple of cool parallels to my work: People say, “Why don’t you give it up?” I can’t retire until I croak. I don’t think they quite understand what I get out of this. I’m not doing it just for the money or for you. […]
Musings on Holding Space
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with a group who wanted to create some plans for 2011. I drew on the Chaordic Stepping Stones to clarify the high level purpose, the principles, the people and the meeting concept, guided by the mantra that “we aren’t planning a meeting, we’re planning a […]
Sharing Improv
I recently joined the online community that is the Applied Improvisation Network, a community of practitioners and clients who value the use of improvisation skills in organizations to improve relationships, increase authenticity, promote spontaneity, foster trust and build communities of practice. I’m no expect in improv but am borrowing from it more and more in […]
I wish I could remember how I stumbled across Joe Gerstandt. It was likely through the marriage of Twitter and serendipity, and I’m fortunate for that. Joe is a warrior, on the front lines of conversations most of us aren’t having. Take this excerpt from a recent post of his: I have very real concerns […]
I’m Steeping Like Tea
I describe myself as an avid learner. Or like Chris Brogan recently shared, I never avoid a classroom (but you’ll rarely find me inside a traditional classroom). And one of the things I love the most about my learner’s stance is how insights steep their way into my life. It’s like I’m always brewing up […]
Art of Hosting – V. Seven
My scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience are now harvested in the previous volumes. I’m left with a feeling that I have not done it justice – how can one truly harvest such an experience as we had on Bowen Island? I know I’ll look back on this in […]
Art of Hosting – V. Six
Nearly done my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume six. Journalling – process of making meaning. Invited to write the experience of the last three days as though it is a waking dream. Start there, let it write you. 10 minutes of […]
Art of Hosting – V. Five
Volume five… the most prolific of all my scribbly notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. My notes of hobbit tools and methods, harvested here as best I can. Knowledge Camps/Method Camps – announced as hosted topics and we had the difficult choice of which to join. I chose the five […]