I was preparing for some work with a group of church leaders a few weeks ago and came across this post from Tim Kastelle Are You Solving a Puzzle or a Mystery? Puzzles are attractive because, as Gladwell points out, they come to clean conclusions. Ironically, by these definitions, all of the Agatha Christie books […]
Tag: Cynefin
Making Sense of Consensus & Coherence
April Mills shared the story of #GCDrive; an event for a Guiding Coalition team start-up (groups who have volunteered to change the organization). In it she talked about demanding some balance between consensus and coherence in any experiment (read April’s post to understand what she means by experiments, or Safe-to-Fail probes). Having just come off the […]
Travelling back from Seattle (by train – love) from the Cognitive Edge Practitioner Foundations class faciliated by Michael Cheveldave. We explored the Cynefin Framework, Butterfly Stamp, Four Tables Contextualisation, Future, Backwards, Anecdote Circles, Archetype Extraction, Safe-to-Fail Probes, and Ritual Dissent (peek here for high level descriptions of what those are). I have 25 mindmaps of notes, […]