
When Tweaks Won’t Do

I saw a message on Twitter recently, in the context of innovation in the recycling/zero waste arena, that read “Identify the problem, evaluate the system, ideate options, implement solutions. Lather rinse repeat!” And I thought to myself  – No! – with an asterisk. The asterisk is knowing what domain you are operating in: Simple, in […]

facilitating & hosting

Improv Gift: Viv and Johnnie’s Super Cool Cards

One of my favourite take-aways from the Applied Improv Network Conference was a set of the super cool cards Viv McWaters and Johnnie Moore co-created with designer Mary Campbell. The cards are all about “using serious playfulness to navigate uncertainty”, and they describe how Viv and Johnnie practice together in their Creative Facilitation work: We created these little cards to […]

facilitating & hosting

Cynefin, Butterflies and Dissenting Ritually

Travelling back from Seattle (by train – love) from the Cognitive Edge Practitioner Foundations class faciliated by Michael Cheveldave. We explored the Cynefin Framework, Butterfly Stamp, Four Tables Contextualisation, Future, Backwards, Anecdote Circles, Archetype Extraction, Safe-to-Fail Probes, and Ritual Dissent (peek here for high level descriptions of what those are). I have 25 mindmaps of notes, […]