Lovely to share this article by Carla Fisher (from Leadership Snohomish County) about a gathering I had the pleasure of hosting this year. Click here to read. Self-directed visionaries plant seeds of community progress
Tag: community
The email came in with a short invitation: I am planning a gathering and wonder if you are available and interested in helping me to lead a circle? The purpose of the night was around the Bridge Mat Shelter Program that has been going on in several communities just outside Vancouver. The program is operated […]
When I’m working with groups hosting conversations to create thoughtful change, I often reflect back on these Lessons in Community Change from Howard Mason (Metro United Way, Louisville USA): Change always starts within us—in our hearts—then in our organizations and communities. Vision powers and unites everything. We must be able to vision from a quiet […]
I own these amazing cards, 12 Principles for Healthy Community Change, part of Berkana’s Engaging Community Toolkit. But sometimes I go to reach for them and they are not where I am. I find them inspiring reminders for aligning how we go about creating change with the change we’re trying to create. So, I’m nabbing […]
How To Build Community
A tragedy in Denver this week where a young man opened fire in a movie theatre. By chance I clicked on this article about one of the victims, Jessica Redfield, who was on Twitter that night. Her brother, Jordan Ghawi, blogged about the phone call from his mother and the events that transpired. Here are […]
On Sunday we went to see Bones Brigade – An Autobiography: The Bones Brigade was a talented gang of teenage outcasts. Unmotivated by fame or popularity, they completely dedicated their lives to a disrespected art form. For most of the 1980s, this misfit crew headed by a 1970s ex-skateboard champion blasted the industry with a mixture […]
Last Friday I joined about 180 souls from around the world on a conference call in the Conversations for the 21st Century series. The topic for this call was Community and we began by hearing from three conversation starters (Maria Scordialos and Sarah Whiteley, Peter Block and Nancy White) who were asked to speak to […]
Art of Hosting – V. Seven
My scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience are now harvested in the previous volumes. I’m left with a feeling that I have not done it justice – how can one truly harvest such an experience as we had on Bowen Island? I know I’ll look back on this in […]
Art of Hosting – V. Six
Nearly done my harvest attempt of my scribbled notes and mind maps from my recent Art of Hosting experience. Here is volume six. Journalling – process of making meaning. Invited to write the experience of the last three days as though it is a waking dream. Start there, let it write you. 10 minutes of […]