personal reflections

My 100 Day Commitment

What were you doing July 16, 2012? I don’t recall everything from that day, but I do remember sitting on the couch as my sweetie told me he was going to do a 100 day blog challenge. To blog once a day, every day, for 100 days. My response: good for you! Followed by a […]

personal reflections

The Hard and the Soft

Truth telling time. This month has been on the tougher side. Back at the end of July I decided to sign up for the 30 day yoga commitment: 30 classes in 30 days. Okay, I figured, this will be a challenge but I can do this. (While I’m in the midst of doing a 100 […]

personal reflections

Yoga Journey

The colouful stickers beside my name on my yoga studio’s 30 Day Commitment tracker show that I’ve attended 10 classes since August 1st. Because I missed five days with my trip back to Saskatchewan I’ve been doubling up on classes – tonight was a Power class then a Yin class. As of today I have 20 […]

personal reflections

30 Day Yoga Commitment

“Say yes” is a mantra of mine. I realized that life opened up for me when I started saying  yes more than when I said maybe or no. Find a way to say yes to things. Say yes to invitations to a new country, say yes to meet new friends, say yes to learn something […]