facilitating & hosting

Welcoming our humanity with a check-in question

This post originally appeared on’s blog and monthly newsletter. Welcoming our Humanity with a Check-In Question It was the second class of The Circle Way: A Four Week Online Class to Introduce and Nuance the Components Wheel, co-hosted by Tenneson Woolf and myself. We were a group from all around the globe – Japan, Liberia, Luxembourg, […]

facilitating & hosting

Check-in Question Ideas

Circle practice is the foundation of my work – whether in core team planning meetings or when we gather for retreats, conferences, meetings and more. And circle is more than just the chairs rearranged. There are various components that help make it a strong social structure (agreements, centre, host, guardian, check-in/check-out, talking piece, and the […]

facilitating & hosting

HopeLab Check-in Deck

Really love this resource put together by Chris Murchison of HopeLab: A collection of our most memorable check-in activities at HopeLab, used to kick off and close staff meetings and retreats. The exercises are simple tools we use to help create quality connections between our staff. Some great, creative ideas. Check it out here. Also, […]

facilitating & hosting

Start Points

I almost always use a check-in and check-out flow when I’m with a group, and sometimes also weave in the practice of a start point. From PeerSpirit: check-in helps people into a frame of mind, where the verbal sharing weaves the interpersonal net. It helps us land in the present moment, tuning into ourselves and the others […]

facilitating & hosting

A Little Bit of Circling

A couple of weeks ago I set up two separate 45 minute conference calls to connect with some leaders who have embarked on a journey in a new role. When the calls started we began with a check-in question. Two years ago that moment would have brought butterflies into my tummy. Using a check-in within […]