facilitating & hosting

Getting Unstuck: Transforming Limiting Beliefs

One of the core elements of my work is hosting myself before I host others. It is the art of becoming present. For me one of the practices I have found valuable as I prepare for circles and as I work with teams to design circle-based participatory gatherings is The Work of Byron Katie. It […]

personal reflections


 “Flense?” he said. “What is flense?” “It’s what whalers used to do to whale carcasses when they got them on board,” I said. “They would strip off the skin and blubber and meat right down to the skeleton. I do that in my head to people – get rid of the meat so I can […]

leadership & management

Finding Shifts: The Work in Amsterdam

I’m thrilled to share news about the Work of Byron Katie (a powerful tool for working with limiting beliefs, and opening mind and heart in leadership, organization and change). Katie is hosting a first ever intensive in The Work for leaders and people in business in Amsterdam from February 8th to 11th, 2012. The very amazing […]

facilitating & hosting personal reflections

The Great Barriers

From Mountain’s Stillness, River’s Wisdom by Philip M. Berk: Ask yourself, “What is it that I truly want in my life?” Once you realize that the only barriers to freeing yourself are your own barriers, you can start believing in yourself and in all that you are capable of Philip’s poem was sent to me […]