From a recent conversation about some innovative work that was recently stamped-out inside an organization after the supporter in the current leadership suddenly left (jobs ended, good work that was making a positive difference brought to an abrupt end – a death of sorts), I was reminded of speaker John Hagel who talked about innovation inside organizations. Some of […]
Tag: BIF7
Welcome to the series where I connect my BIF-7 insights on the questions I carried with me to the Five Breaths of Design/Chaordic Stepping Stones. In this post you’ll find insights on Breath Five, Act. The fifth breath invites questions like what actions will be decided and performed, how will we follow-up, and how will self-organization […]
Welcome to the series where I connect my BIF-7 insights on the questions I carried with me to the Five Breaths of Design/Chaordic Stepping Stones. In this post you’ll find insights on Breath Three, Giving Form and Structure. The third breath invites questions like what is the lightest structure that will serve our need, how do […]
Welcome to the series where I connect my BIF-7 insights on the questions I carried with me to the Five Breaths of Design/Chaordic Stepping Stones. In this post you’ll find insights on Breath Two, Clarify. The second breath invites questions like what are our principles, who are the people in the system and what is the […]
Welcome to the series where I connect my BIF-7 insights on the questions I carried with me to the Five Breaths of Design/Chaordic Stepping Stones. In this post you’ll find insights on Breath One, The Call. The first breath invites questions like who is the core team, what is the issue/question, what is the purpose […]
Golden Threads from BIF-7
If you were following me on Twitter this September you saw from my waterfall of tweets that I was at the Business Innovation Factory’s Story Summit; a cornucopia of storytellers sharing their innovation tales. Six months earlier I had written this post, Why I’m Going to BIF-7, and I carried with me some questions: As […]