From Johnnie Moore:
Antonio Dias’ recent post, Conclusions, is a great exploration of what Bohm’s notion of dialogue is about. Tony opens with this metaphor:
Dialogue is an opportunity to proceed as climbers do. We are tied together and are able to alternately anchor each other as we move into precarious territory. We can rely on each other to warn us of dangers beyond our own views. Within dialogue we can go where it is impossible to go any other way.
This gave me goose bumps. With a little condensing: We are tied together as we move into precarious territory. With dialogue we can go where it is impossible to go any other way.
We are tied together in more ways than we can ever imagine. I am often reminded of Peter Senge’s words “There is no away.” And how dialogue offers a new way forward, possibilities where it is impossible to go any other way. Goose bumps.