facilitating & hosting

Co-creating: A Fine Line

Onto another mini-harvest from my time at the Applied Improv Network Conference. One of my main ah-has on Friday came from a break-out session and partnering with Chris Corrigan. We had done an activity where in the first part of a brainstorm I responded with a “yes but” to every suggestion Chris had, then we switched to me saying “yes and”. In our little debrief he reflected to me that in the “yes and” part of our conversation he could still feel a little defensiveness sparked from my questions.

As we debriefed further Chris shared that for us as consultants it is a fine line between asking questions AND co-creating, building on with our “yes, and”. It was a zinger of an ah-ha. Being in that co-creation space, not just the questioning space.

Improv’s “yes and” to co-create.

Gratitude, Chris.

Apophysis-Soap Bubble World johanne via Compfight