Appreciating Christina Baldwin’s story from PeerSpirit’s August newsletter where she writes of an experience in an urban landscape and remembering N-A-T-U-R-E. She writes:
Outside the second story windows of the meeting room, I was eye level with a row of city trees, their green leaves waving in the wind. I put my hands on the plate glass, breathed a long, calming breath. I thought about their rootedness beneath the city surface; thought about the transformative process of photosynthesis; thought about their capacity to move nutrients and energy between earth and sky. I decided I wanted to “be a tree” all day: to stay rooted in my own sense of source; to allow the breezes of guidance and inspiration to flow through me; to keep moving energy that would sustain the conversation. For the next six hours I felt in deep alignment between my own nature and Nature. If I got tired, I would stand by the window and “get greened” again.
The day reminded me how quickly we can detach from Nature as an inspirational source when we hurry about in urban environments, or get so engaged with human issues that we turn to the power points instead of the points of power. The trees reminded me how readily available Nature is for reattachment – as soon as we pay attention.
I want to remember the idea of ‘being a tree’ all day and tapping into Nature as an inspirational source when I’m in my urban environemnt (so much easier to do when I’m down at our cabin!). Even if it means holding hands with a lone geranium.
. SantiMB . via Compfight