- Loved today… 10 bright and committed folks, some questions that matter, and a chance to practice my graphic facilitation. ->
- Quote from today's session "So refreshing to be in a meeting without PowerPoint." #graphicfacilitation #yeah ->
- Darn darn wish I was there! RT @mtbakerski: Cascade concrete? Not!! We've received 10 inches of light and dry snow overnight ->
- RT @Vancouver_CM: Indifference towards people is the only cardinal sin of design. Dieter Rams as quoted by @toporek at #CMVan ->
- I'm not pausing enough for reflection these days. Anyone else? ->
- Wow RT @finstoryteller: In the company of Snowy Owls !!! Super thrilled ! #beautifulbc #birds #snowyowls https://t.co/H9zRXcMR ->