- I'm here – tea brewing and ready to draw! https://t.co/Teae7Lky ->
- Lines, squares, circles oh my! #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/0MuXMBYc ->
- Today's flow… We just worked on lettering. My poor penmanship is out to haunt me! #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/DSWE8kgm ->
- Practicing agendas. Here's mine! Cc @XYBOOMdotCA #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/LmsTnPMP ->
- Noticing my tweets have been hijacked by exclamation points. #toneitdown ->
- Fantastic day with graphic facilitator Avril Orloff and #FacilitatorsRus Brenda. See everyone tomorrow (including our artists within). ->
- Off to our final #XYBOOM planning meeting. Can't wait to see what emerges on Friday when we tuck into the intergenerational dialogue. ->
- Today's Storify from #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/Z8vAqNfd ->
- Workshop mates – delays on the train and will be late 🙁 #FacilitatorsRus ->
- Collaborative drawing – What would you see in place in the most positive picture of your community? https://t.co/8cH3tHzj ->
- Clustering example of a thesis #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/1jy8g5x7 ->
- Mind map example for a book #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/m2O4bwS0 ->
- Example of a graphic using mandalas #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/8iWfFQBg ->
- Building a graphic guide #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/EmkA4Fnq ->
- One of our posters from today's workshop. #FacilitatorsRus https://t.co/6pJa7cYQ ->
- Was great to learn the tricks of graphic facilitator Avril's trade. Pics from day 2: https://t.co/fdJhQiBv #FacilitatorsRus ->
- Teehee! RT @abusse: @Vancouver_CM: Feb. 3 Icebreaker: "The craziest thing I've ever done is…" –> I married @MarkBusse. That's just crazy. ->
- .@Vancouver_CM: Feb. 3 Icebreaker: "The craziest thing I've ever done is…" –> Moving in with my bf 4 days after meeting him. #love ->
- #XYBOOM @lindawlyoung starting our first panel https://t.co/KAgTXcTd ->
- Our graphic facilitator Yolanda at the wall harvesting gems from the conversation #XYBOOM https://t.co/k12VVW8p ->
- Our circle of ages talking about what it is like to be their age #XYBOOM https://t.co/Ze3kJ63u ->
- Crossing to the other side – what is our common ground? #XYBOOM https://t.co/X42h2p1i ->
- Yolanda capturing our circle of ages #XYBOOM https://t.co/27VrPUkf ->
- .@lindawlyoung kicking off the second panel on Talent Development #XYBOOM https://t.co/2PvM1h4d ->
- Zack and Andrew capturing stories and perspectives @ #XYBOOM – visit them and add your voice https://t.co/PVwX8VWJ ->
- Lisa recommending checking out the Conference Board of Canada's employment skills #XYBOOM ->
- Zack sharing his passion on hearing and harvesting the wisdom in the room #XYBOOM https://t.co/QZUy9SE8 ->
- Food time – which means more spontaneous conversation at #XYBOOM https://t.co/LWXkdF7C ->
- Grateful to Yolanda and Zack for being here and adding to the conversation #XYBOOM https://t.co/gwh4HLX1 ->
- Open Space session in progress #XYBOOM https://t.co/6f0BJY9X ->
- Seeking commonality @ #XYBOOM https://t.co/FDNX9Pyb ->
- RT @dscofield: Who are your truth tellers? You need them – @johnsonwhitney Truthtellers https://t.co/U7t1XP1l ->
- Rock on! RT @jesch30: I am having a freakin' stellar day. #justsaying ->
- Finding some great inspiration to seed tomorrow's Leadership Cafe. Looking forward to the evening… ->