- The way we meet is a model of the future we want to create. Thanks @XYBOOMdotCA for a great planning meeting! ->
- A check-out question tonight… We gave gifts of smiles, centeredness, resilience, calm and peace of mind. What gifts would you give? ->
- RT @MyLoverArlo: Montreal for a day – where to wander? where for espresso? where for excellent, affordable (vegan) cuisine? Cc @jonhusband ->
- I'll be there – will you? RT @MyLoudSpeaker: Last days for registration for the XYBOOM Conference! https://t.co/EoRbprvr ->
- . @shiftingshape Incredible tweets today. I made a @storify of them: https://t.co/2MQ4hNqI #AoH #HHSUtah ->
- If you are interested in health care systems change, check out tweets from #HHSUtah – today's collection: https://t.co/2MQ4hNqI #BIF7 ->
- Hosting #occupy – Open Space in Sonoma County: https://t.co/7nLJEzwM ->
- The Dalai Lama's Instructions for Life https://t.co/ibLGuDRT My faves are 19 and 20. Yours? ->
- Enjoyed this simple test for strategic initiatives – where is the choice? https://t.co/sIqytqHp via @unorder ->
- Awesome Prezi harvest from an Art of Hosting: https://t.co/rXsrbVko #inspiringharvest ->
- Via @hjarche 'An organization can create conditions for self-development, getting out of the way by not trying to control or contain it.' ->
- Lovely to see Christina Baldwin's words in the story quote of the week https://t.co/yX68v4ic cc @CircleCalling ->
- RT @blogbrevity: A Place for Space/ A Space to Create :: Join #Ideachat SAT 9 am ET Post 2 https://t.co/kZQGgAES + Post 1 https://t.co/3hX … ->
- See our Q&A with Feb 3 speaker Gagan Diesh (@diesh). Read about the myths on creativity that he'd like to explode https://t.co/4BCPG5II ->
- Mother Nature ftw! 10 inches of fresh powder. Woken up just in time by snow falling on the roof. A great day @mtbakerski ->
- . @shiftingshape Another @storify from the rest of the #HHSUtah stream https://t.co/mYK3bsK2 Thanks again for all the tweets! ->
- Passionate about health care systems change? More tweets from #HHSUtah – collection: https://t.co/mYK3bsK2 cc @rebeccaonie @ajadad ->
- Generation Flux from Fast Company, via @lewisaanciano cc @XYBOOMdotCA https://t.co/iT1QsOrZ ->
- Thinking about leadership in the age of complexity, and working with leaders to make that shift. Diving into some Art of Hosting patterns. ->
- Okay twitter peoples: feeling a cold coming on. Must stay healthy this week – give me your tips and remedies! ->
- Practicing Openness: A Tale from My Yoga Mat https://t.co/OAaQjU55 ->
- See you there! RT @FacilitatorsRus: Sold out class with Avril Orloff tomorrow – The Artful Visual Facilitator – https:https://t.co/oSHpOlTJ ->