personal reflections

My Twitter Ramblings

2011-11-29 2011-12-05

  • A great day with the Surrey Homeless and Housing Task Force ->
  • Congrats! RT @sleveo: I WON #NaNoWriMo with 52,791 words! Here's my Synopsis and Excerpt Thanks for all your support. ->
  • Sometimes everything has to be inscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written insid… (cont) ->
  • Don't forget your travel mug for hot beverages! RT @Vancouver_CM: See everyone bright and early tomorrow. ->
  • Healthier Health Care Systems – an invitation for pioneers to participate. More here: cc @TheBIF #BIF7 ->
  • Shawn getting us going at #cmvan ->
  • An underlying theme to @tangibleint #cmvan talk – being curious = inspiration… ->
  • Love that @tangibleint is talking about the process; not just for the outcome but as a way of being and learning. Same with hosting work. ->
  • I second that! RT @extrachewy: Great Creative Mornings talk today… pumped for the rest of the day! #CMVan ->
  • .@tangibleint @ #cmvan: Not trying to change the world, but changing a person's world for one moment. To bring a sense of wonder. #gems ->
  • I'll be the lady who is found buried in @DAVIDsTEA. Can we say #teaaddiction? ->
  • RT @paulocoelho: Don't expect your genius to be discovered; do what you must do because it gives you joy ->
  • It's not my book-a-week record, but I've enjoyed 23 so far this year. What will be my book of the year? What is your book of 2011? ->