- Leaving #AoHBowen – warm beverages for our tummies https://t.co/TeoU0JRN ->
- For me too!! RT @dscofield: @elithechef wish I was there too!! say hi to @business_design for me!!! take great notes! ->
- New innovation toy! https://t.co/v7HwrAfY ->
- Wow #s! RT @umairh: Occupytheboardroom / direct digital post-protest. Thought-provoking. What do we call this? https://t.co/dNVUp7ZJ ->
- 1. Sad my graphic recording learning journey is postponed. 2. Excited I'll get to see @bifnaked at @Vancouver_CM. ->
- #AoHBowen – some pictures are up: https://t.co/Z0y2B1u7 ->
- A perfect read for this rainy Sunday morn RT @blogbrevity: #beauty, whimsy, learning, + #happiness: the pursuits https://t.co/M5tVm8M1 ->
- The unclaimed parts of ourselves…RT @zspencer: How much of the fear we have of other people is really a fear of ourselves? ->
- ‘Everything in moderation except laughter, sex, vegetables and fish. But not all at the same time.” Dr John Tickell ->
- RT @zspencer: Reflecting on the past few months conferences and events: https://t.co/HAjTfJKQ… (cont) https://t.co/q1b6Q1Wg ->
- Been loving the posts at Threat/Promise like this one: https://t.co/beJIsTO5 #ows ->
- Someone will have to save my darling boy. I just discovered how to make an Adele playlist in YouTube. #thankgoodnessforheadphones ->
- Great questions to explore during my upcoming two day silent retreat, no? https://t.co/347ZFXkh ->
- If you were planning a two day solo silent retreat for yourself, what would you design in? ->