- Back atcha @chriscorrigan: Wicked #openspace today on addressing stigma in the health system. https://t.co/S7ZEY36. Working w/@amandafenton ->
- Need all voices; dif process…@Dave_Eby's report on the Missing Women Inquiry's hearing in Kitsumkalum: https://ow.ly/6tFO3 via @laurenbacon ->
- RT @chriscorrigan: What is your experience with addictions related stigma? Join our discussion online at https://ow.ly/6twEa ->
- RT @chriscorrigan: Quotes from #addressingstigma #openspace: "No person is the worst thing they have ever done." More: https://ow.ly/6tw78 ->
- What do you think about this? Don't Buy Patagonia Stuff New Unless You Really Need It https://t.co/zbpTQY74 (via @summify & @davidahood) ->
- Back on the volleyball court for me tonight; let's hope the month-break-rust wears off real fast. ->
- Yum – first course at bro-in-law's (exec chef) wine dinner with Hester Creek at The Pinnacle https://t.co/Lvx7Guvl ->
- A great wine takes you back to a place – Rob, winemaker, Hester Creek ->
- Double fisting; comparing 2007 and 2008 @HesterCreek's cab franc w/ Joel Green's delicious food pairing https://t.co/bd9fHVRh ->
- Great-full, good life. Gratitude. ->
- A chat with @brendamontreal @icograda was a great start to my Friday – thanks! in reply to brendamontreal ->
- RT @chriscorrigan: The amazing Caitlin Frost is offering a Byron Katie workshop October 6-7 in Seattle. Go if you can. https://t.co/9v3ZHx7q ->
- Me – I start my travel journey tonight! RT @TheBIF: Who's excited for #BIF7 on Tuesday?? ->
- First leg of the journey complete – waiting for second flight to board. #BIF7 here I come (after a nap)! ->
- Hello #BIF7ers – anyone grabbing a bite before #innobeer at Trinity Brewhouse? ->
- Back atcha! RT @jonathanmeier: Fantastic night talking with @AndreaMeyer , @AmandaFenton , @nabilharfoush & @blogbrevity. Brilliant people! ->
- .@NabilHarfoush What are your 3 thoughts from tonight, Nabil? Mine: selfless leadership, curious questioning, & not-about-the-sector #BIF7 ->
- Dearest followers – be forewarned of the rash of #BIF7 tweets that will waterfall over the next few days. I'm here: https://t.co/sWKBScAM ->