- Have I mentioned lately how much I'm adoring The Fluent Self blog? A dose of destuckification: ->
- Turn the keys over https://amzn.com/k/2BQZAVH91FN1A #Kindle ->
- Are you telling or helping grind new glasses? https://amzn.com/k/39UR6ZW5LRJSL #Kindle ->
- Collaboration and cooperation technologies (another great graphic from @hjarche) ->
- Stories: importance of rebuilding relationships & community from @chriscorrigan ->
- What are your minimum daily requirements? ->
- Don't sit. James Levine's cool inactivity research: https://j.mp/i347qE via @Atul_Gawande and @dscofield ->
- No integrity for me! I've been sitting while reading and tweeting that last tweet. ->
- "limited opportunities to cross-pollinate ideas between districts in British Columbia"?? via @gcouros: Edcam… (cont) https://deck.ly/~rvk8m ->
- Me building on John Hagel III and John Seely Brown's HBR post: Attention and Hosting ->