- Interesting water stats ->
- Tis about following those smarter than me. RT @bsandie: Twitter – is it about the number of followers or the "right" followers? #followers ->
- RT @presentationzen: Fall down seven times, get up eight: The power of Japanese resilience ->
- Humans aren't designed to run like computers: at high speeds, continuously, for long periods of time – @tonyschwartz ->
- What is the purpose of education? musings from @simbeckhampson – join the comment stream ->
- Great post, Deb – The Art of the Dumb Question from @dscofield ->
- Writing some presentation guidelines for presenters at a quarterly meeting. Desired outcome: avoiding death by PowerPoint. ->
- We did yoga by candlelight. So peaceful… Re: @AmandaWeedmark #earthhour ->
- Knowledge exists … on the tender wisps of the webs that lie between individuals – from @frogphilp ->
- .@affectingchange @AmandaWeedmark Imagine if we could have a peaceful #earthhour once a week. Hmmm ->
- Totally humbled of the smartness of the folks I run into online. Thanks for letting me play along side you all. ->
- Learned helplessness also true inside orgs: Everyone guilty of enabling, put up their hands! ->
- Oh my!! RT @HuffingtonPost: Japan issues tsunami alert after 6.5 magnitude earthquake https://huff.to/gNrv80 ->
- Minding the gap – exploring employee engagement with @mschenkau of Anecdote ->
- Love the bit in here about reading the book but not doing the work (like watching Arnold and hoping for muscles): ->
- Hat tip @inscapeinc for that last link – thanks! ->
- Just watched the preview of the documentary I Am: Anyone seen it yet? ->
- RT @ByronKatie: Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you're attached to something not true for you. ->