A friend of mine emailed recently. She was looking for some blog feeds that would expose her leadership team to thought provoking leadership ideas, rants and provocative questions. She already had Seth Godin, Fistful of Talent, and Corner Office and wanted to add some other options.
I peeked at my current feeds and here were a few suggestions I made:
Good old HBR – Hit and miss but a few gems from time to time. Caution – delivers a high volume of feeds so could be overwhelming for those new to RSS.
Your Brain at Work – David Rock’s book on Leadership is one of my favourites. He posts infrequently but always interesting things for leaders to ponder.
800 CEO Read – Constant stream of book reviews for leaders and CEOs alike
Anecdote – These guys are the best when it comes to the power of storytelling.
Brains On Fire – Technically this would fit more under the umbrella of marketing than leadership, but I find bits of inspiration and interesting perspective in their posts.
Change This – Manifestos put out by the good folks at 800 CEO Read. Not to be missed. Always something for everyone when they come out.
Gary Hamel @ WSJ – Gary Hamel is one of the guys committed to shaking up management. Also check out https://www.managementexchange.com/ – a site dedicated to reinventing management. I found I preferred their email subscription more than the blog feed.
Gaping Void – Cheeky, gruff, sometimes not-safe-for-work and thought provoking. I almost always have a gaping void cartoon hanging up at my desk to spark conversation.
Saul Kaplan – Saul’s blog should never go unread. Awesome perspective and inspiration on innovation. And great videos at his BIF Story Studio.
Twist Image – From here go to the Six Pixels of Separation Blog. Also technically in the marketing category, but Mitch does a great job connecting various trends to business and marketing. He’s a thinker on the edge.
Presentation Zen – Because companies need leaders to give better presentations. This one too: Duarte.com.
Dan Pink’s blog – Random and interesting musings.
And gotta include some of these: Wharton, Fast Company, Sloan and McKinsey (I think you have to set up a free subscription to get the RSS feed).
TED – Last but not least – the great TED talks feed.
What blogs would you recommend for thought provoking leadership ideas, rants and provocative questions?