personal reflections

Falling Down

When I created my goals for the year I imagined a quarterly reflection to see how I was progressing, reflect on my learnings, make tweaks and continue on. But here I am with one month done and I can feel this presence hovering over my shoulder. I think it might be my conscience.

So reflection time:

  • Growing my connection to my family and community. Status: green light.
  • Growing my health and wealth. Status: red light.
  • Growing as a host of conversations that matter. Status: yellow light.

I’ve created some ideas for success in the areas where I’m falling down (and getting up!). But what this process sparked for me is how I liked not having all the “how tos” defined at the start. I put my goals together with some higher level action items instead of creating the nitty gritty plan right out of the gates, then in this review simply kept what is working and tweaked or further flushed out my how tos.

Where do you over-plan at the start? Where, instead, can you build more frequent reflect/learn/tweak check-ins?

3 replies on “Falling Down”

If you didn’t build the thing to climb on, you didn’t need to fall.
What about going with the intention and the rhythm of life, and let them blend together more and more?

Hmmm… Would love to hear more about going with intention without goals. Share more!

Hold that thought Ria. Your comment, timed with the Slowing Down conversation today, has revealed a glimmer in my own “intuitive knowing” I want to explore. Cheers!